The Best Part of Life: Family

“When I was a kid, we would go outside, read a book, or play a game. Nowadays, kids just sit all day in front a screen, whether that’s a phone, T.V. or iPad.”

Bev Langham grew up in Concord, Michigan, a small town located right outside of Spring Arbor. The oldest of five kids, with three brothers and one sister, she was a natural-born leader.

“You had to be patient, and you had to share,” Bev said. “You had to learn to take turns and trust each other. We couldn’t get whatever we wanted instantly.”

Bev is the proud mother of four children and has eight grandkids and six great-grandkids. She came from a big family and thought it was a gift to have many siblings—something she wanted to give her kids, even if it was not always easy.

“It was very chaotic at times,” Bev said with a laugh. “But when the kids got too crazy, I’d send them outside—because fresh air is good for them, and peace and quiet is good for me.”

She also believed it was important for her kids to learn patience and kindness, and to learn the value of family and quality time together. However, with all of the video games, smartphones, tablets, and other advances in technology, she feels like family time isn’t what it used to be.

“I grew up with Sunday dinners where all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and extended family came over for good food and fun,” Bev said. “Now, you’re just lucky to see your family on holidays and birthdays.”

Growing up, all of Bev’s immediate and extended family lived within an hour of one another, so it was easy to get together. Now, her kids are spread out across the state, but they still come visit frequently. Bev is proud that she raised them to be family-oriented.

“Some people think that giving kids all the newest gadgets and gizmos is what will make them happy,” Bev said. “But, you’re missing one of the most important parts of life: family.”